Opinion: Good news for the new year Contrary to what we read and hear, the world is not going to hell in a handbasket. When a book bearing the title Getting Better Edgar Stoesz December 22, 2014
More than a partridge Though the North American understanding of Advent is that of waiting in darkness, a cultural stranger would be forgiven for thinking it is only a Tim Huber December 22, 2014
The changing face of conservatism Conservative Mennonite Conference is a body of 104 congregations with about 11,000 members. It was born in 1910 at Pigeon, Mich. Today its institutional center James C. Juhnke December 22, 2014
Are you looking for Jesus? As we celebrate Christmas, people who are marginalized are living in hope of the just society that Christ’s birth promised. They are seeking Jesus to John Powell December 22, 2014
To breathe a prayer After I read Luke 11:1-13, I lit a candle for Eric Garner and his family. It was the only way I knew how to pray Meghan Florian December 22, 2014
108-year-old Burrton, Kan., congregation to close BURRTON, Kan. — When Aoife Rose Compton was born Nov. 18 to Rachelle and Martin Compton, she was the last child to become part of Laurie Oswald Robinson | For Western District Conference December 22, 2014
Unexpected call led to lifelong pastoral ministry BURRTON, Kan. — In 1962, when Jim Dunn was a senior at Bethel College in North Newton, the local African Methodist Episcopal church invited him Laurie Oswald Robinson | For Western District Conference December 22, 2014