We welcome letters to the editor, news stories and feature articles.
When developing your submission, please review our anti-oppression guidelines as well as our editorial policy.
Letters Guidelines:
Anabaptist World welcomes your letters, either about our content or about issues facing our communities.
Please keep your letter brief—one or two paragraphs—and about one subject only. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity. Publication is also subject to space limitations. Email us your letters to us at editor@anabaptistworld.org or mail to Letters, Anabaptist World, 129 W. Sixth St., Newton, KS 67114. Please include your name and address.
We will not print letters sent anonymously, though we may withhold names at our discretion.
Writers’ Guidelines:
Anabaptist World seeks to help readers glorify God, grow in faith and become agents of healing and hope in the world. Our readers are primarily people in Mennonite churches.
Writing should be concise, accessible to the general reader and with strong lead paragraphs. This last point cannot be overemphasized. The lead paragraph is the foundation of a good article. It should provide a summary of the article (see below). We are especially interested in personal stories of Anabaptists exercising their faith.
To focus the article, writers may want to include a one-sentence summary of the article and three catchy, creative titles. Illustrations, charts, graphs and photos (in color) to go with the article are welcome.
Feature articles should be 1,200-1,500 words in length. We prefer them sent via email. Please include name, address and phone number. If sent by regular mail, please include an SASE. We also like to run a photo of the author with articles we publish. Please include a recent headshot, preferable a .jpg.
We do not pay for unsolicited manuscripts.
Possible theme list (not exhaustive): connecting our faith to our work, Bible study, prayer, environment, aging, death/dying, Christmas, Easter, children, parenting, marriage, singleness, racism, peace and justice, worship, health issues, arts.
Email queries or submissions to Editor@AnabaptistWorld.org.