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Employment – Church

  • FULL-TIME CO-PASTOR/ADMINISTRATOR  sought, San Diego Mennonite Church, affiliated (for now) with PSWMC and MCUSA.  Salary suitable to southern CA living cost.  Ideal candidate has experience in vocal music ministry or design or construction management, as church adapts space.  Requires commitment to Anabaptist tenets but not seminary degree.   Letter/resume to  (9-10)

  • AURORA MENNONITE CHURCH Ohio seeking FT pastor. LMC affiliated. Contact Jim Nussbaum 330-626-2556. (9)

  • COME TO THE COUNTRY Springs Mennonite Church, Springs, PA, is actively seeking & praying for a pastor who will compassionately lead, teach & grow with us in peace, fellowship & shared ministry.  We are a caring, serving, flexible & fun-loving congregation that enjoys fellowship.  There is a rich heritage of local history in the Springs Museum, Springs Historical Society & the annual well-known Springs Folk Festival. We are part of the Allegheny Mennonite Conference with an average attendance of 100.  Located in southern Somerset County, we are close to the Mason-Dixon line & the highest point in PA.  At 3,213 feet elevation, Mount Davis offers some of the most breathtaking views of the Appalachian Mountains. Our region is known for recreational venues for hiking, biking, skiing, fishing & boating. We are a rural & affordable area.  Our tri-state proximity affords us easy access to specialized healthcare, state universities & state parks.  Please submit resumes to Don Green, search committee chairman,; or Conference Minister, David Mishler, davem@alleghenymennoniteconference.ordavig.  (6-9)

  • MARTINSBURG MENNONITE CHURCH, a growing fellowship located in south-central Pa., is praying and looking for a half or shared time pastor.  We have deep roots in Anabaptist faith with an emphasis on faith journey.  Please submit inquiries to (7-9)

  • WAYNESBORO MENNONITE CHURCH, located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, is seeking a full-time pastor to revitalize our community and cast a new vision for a gospel presence that would reach our neighbors. We are a warm and inviting fellowship, with deep roots in the Anabaptist faith, affiliated with Virginia Mennonite Conference. Applicants must be willing to affirm the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective as the teaching position of the congregation. Please contact Kevin Gasser, District Minister, at for more information. (9)

Employment – General

Coming Events

  • CINCINNATI MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP will celebrate its 50th anniversary Oct. 12-13.  Everyone with ties to our fellowship is encouraged to join us! For updates and information, visit our website at (9-10)

Books for Sale

  • THE CHURCH BY THE PLAYGROUND: The Story of the Sharing Community in Rosedale by Dorothy Nickel Friesen. Three urban congregations in Kansas City, Kan. (Methodist, Disciples, Mennonite) began cooperating in the late 1950s and continued into the 21st century. They became ecumenical friends and formed the Sharing Community in Rosedale. Read this remarkable story of their evolving relationship and unique service to the community, and catch a vision of urban ministry. Available through Faith and Life Bookstore, Newton, Kan., for $25 plus tax and shipping: (8-9)


For Rent

  • VENICE, FLA., March, April 2025 monthly rental —240-310-4989; (8-9)


  • COME AWAY ON CELTIC PILGRIMAGE  to Iona (Scotland), Melrose, Lindisfarne (England) May 16-31, 2025.  $5000 (not including flights/insurance).  Begins Glasgow.  Ends Edinburgh.  First week Iona. Second week Melrose and Lindisfarne.  Daily prayers, worship, soulful wandering, group reflection, restful solitude in beloved Celtic “thin places”.  Co-leaders/spiritual directors Jane Thorley Roeschley and Cathy Roby.  Info: (9)