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Employment – Church

  • AURORA MENNONITE CHURCH Ohio seeking FT pastor. LMC affiliated. Contact Laurie Hughes @ 330-256-8443. (11-1)

  • BETHESDA MENNONITE CHURCH, Henderson, Neb. is seeking a full time pastor of Preaching and Congregational/Community Life to work on our Ministry Team along with our Pastor of Faith Formation and Pastor of Congregational Care. For more information, contact Susan Janzen, Central Plains Mennonite Conference Minister for Ministerial Leadership by email at or by phone at (319) 610-1007. (11-1)
  • SARASOTA COMMUNITY CHURCH  (SCC) is a loving Mennonite congregation seeking a full-time pastor to join immediately and share our Anabaptist vision. We are a caring, serving, fun-loving congregation that enjoys fellowship throughout the year. Our congregation size varies during the year from 120ish to 500+ winter residents yearly. While we have some younger people, we are mostly an older congregation with a desire to be intergenerational. We are in Sarasota, Fla., with renowned beaches and an average of 255 days of sunshine a year. We are in the Southeast Conference District, which is affiliated with LMC. The Pastor of Sarasota Community Church should be one who feels called by God to serve and lead in the present and into the future with prayer, humility and dependence on the Lord. The pastor should value a team approach, be prayer-focused and a biblically faithful teacher who enjoys people. This pastor should have the desire to lead SCC as we seek to honor and worship God, share the good news of Jesus Christ, help people grow in their faith and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Contact: Nori Yoder at, 941-377-404; or Peggy Reese,, 941-377-4041. (1)

  • ARE YOU INTERESTED in helping to grow a vibrant, welcoming community that fosters
    spiritual growth and actively lives out Jesus’ teachings? If so, Sojourn Mennonite is looking for you. We are a small community seeking peace within ourselves and in our world, with members involved in issues of immigration, incarceration, Native American justice and serving the unhoused. We would like a half-time pastor to help us learn new ways of nurturing our souls and expanding our community. We’re conveniently located 60 miles north of Denver in beautiful Fort Collins, Colo., source of great year-round outdoor activities, home of Colorado State University and near Rocky Mountain National Park. The benefit package we offer aligns with the Mennonite Church USA guidelines. If you are interested in learning more about Sojourn, please visit the full job posting on our website,, and contact Amy Zimbelman, Mountain States Mennonite Conference Minister, at (1)

  • SPRINGS MENNONITE CHURCH, Springs, Pa., is praying for a full-time pastor who will compassionately lead, teach and grow with us in peace, fellowship and shared ministry. We are a caring, serving, fun-loving congregation that enjoys fellowship. There is a rich heritage of local history in the Springs Museum, Springs Historical Society and the annual well-known Springs Folk Festival. We are part of the Allegheny Mennonite Conference, with an average attendance of 100. Located in southern Somerset County, we are close to the Mason-Dixon line and the highest point in Pennsylvania. At 3,213 feet elevation, Mount Davis offers some of the most breathtaking views of the Appalachian Mountains. Our region is known for vast outdoor recreational venues. We are a rural and affordable area. Our tri-state proximity affords us easy access to specialized healthcare, state universities and state parks. Please submit resumes to Don Green, search committee chairman,; or Conference Minister Amy Yoder McGloughlin, (11-1)

Employment – Conference

  • OHIO MENNONITE CONFERENCE seeks full time Conference Minister. Our new Conference Minister will be a gifted leader and good listener, strongly rooted in Anabaptism, who can help Ohio Conference implement our new vision and strategic plan. For more information visit our website or contact Andrew Blount, (12)

Service Opportunities 

  • OPEN DOOR MENNONITE CHURCH, Jackson, Miss., says, “Come on down South for SOOP!” Join with Open Door’s Southern Peace and Justice Center and be a witness for peace and racial reconciliation while sharing your gifts like carpentry, gardening, tutoring or something that matches your talents. Will you answer the call? Come on down South. SOOP offers flexible service terms at 60 locations for individuals ages 25+ and families of all ages. Learn more and apply at (12-1)


  • “IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF RADICAL CHURCH LEADERS” 10-day tour to Switzerland and Germany featuring the 500th anniversary of the Anabaptists and Martin Luther’s Reformation. Hosted by Dennis and Linda Augsburger Gingerich, May 26-June 4, 2025. Details at, email info@TransforMissionalTravel or call 239-699-6617. (12-1)

  • REGISTER NOW for the 500 years of Anabaptism & Swiss Alps Tour. May 22-31, 2025.Sites: the Swiss Alps, Swiss Mennonite sites and the 500-year celebration in Zurich. Preview the tour at For information and registration, contact Weldon Martens at (1)
