Five things Friday roundup: Divine sense of humor God created chilies. What better proof of a divine sense of humor? 1. Waiting for Sriracha. Climate change affects us globally and locally, and our David and Leann Augsburger September 15, 2023
Patricia Joyce Shelly Patricia Joyce Shelly, 71, of Newton, Kan., died Sept. 4, 2023, at home after a three-year struggle with pancreatic cancer. She was born Dec. 21, Anabaptist World
Is the tree doing its job? As a Pennsylvania native, I first visited my current home in Fresno, Calif., in the middle of winter. While I knew enough of the West Melanie Howard | For Anabaptist World September 15, 2023
Land, water defenders under threat The international nongovernmental organization Global Witness found that 1,700 land and water defenders globally were killed in the past decade — an average of one Sarah Augustine | Anabaptist World September 15, 2023
We lost stuff but gained freedom King Og had an iron bed. What do we want to be remembered for? Carmen Shenk | For Anabaptist World September 15, 2023