Rachel Fecho understands how it feels to be without health insurance …
Rachel Fecho understands how it feels to be without health insurance …
During this national, presidential election year, the United States is more-and-more spoken of as “empire” despite its having only 5 percent of the world’s population. And that is where I now live amidst all of the politicking hubbub …
She loves church and would attend every church activity if she could, but she is dependent upon the generosity of others to provide a ride. By human standards, her mind is not as mature as her body. It never will be. She lacks social finesse and her body moves awkwardly. But she is the most loving of human beings. She has an amazing ability to remember people’s names and the important details of other’s lives. She uses this gift of remembering to connect with others and, as she does, one can’t help but feel cared for by this little woman whom many would overlook …
Dear Mr. President: Waterboarding is on my mind. I know you have expressed firm convictions that it is necessary. I also understand that as a politician you need to show progress in your efforts to prevail against terrorism. Since we both claim to be Christians I thought I would tell you a story from my own faith history that may be helpful for your deliberations regarding the use of waterboarding and other methods of torture to eliminate the enemy all the way to the gates of hell …
A three-day “people’s summit” in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for U.S. and Canadian Mennonites originally held some promise. Now the purpose of this “crossroads” gathering July 8-10 seems to be in peril. While more than 400 Canadian Mennonites will attend, only 50 U.S. Mennonites are registered. Furthermore, the goal of the gathering is to help build relationships among members of both denominations at the “grass roots.” But many of the U.S. registrants will represent Mennonite Church USA agencies …
Among the bravest people I know are families who have deliberately placed themselves in hope’s way, choosing to adopt infants or children who are at risk. Some are clearly hardship cases, suffering from trauma or neglect. Some are cross-cultural adoptions; many cross lines of wealth and poverty …
It was finally the end of a particularly frustrating and disheartening night for the BreakAway Junior High ministry at Orrville (Ohio) Mennonite Church. What we had planned as a fun, laid-back night to let loose with some dodge ball games in the local elementary school gym proved to be anything but relaxing …
I am the descendent of generations of Mennonite and Church of the Brethren pacifists. While my innate aversion to war and things military runs deep, as a citizen of the United States I have not been able to avoid the implications of living in a country that depends so mightily on its military …