For most of the last 25 years I am blessed to have participated in a regular, relatively serious Bible study in the context of a Uniform Series Sunday school class at Scottdale (Pa.) Mennonite Church …
A Chicago Sun-Times columnist, along with other print and electronic media people, discussed the word “proud” in regard to comments by Michele Obama and Cindy McCain …
When a non-Mennonite friend asked me what Mennonite Church USA faces as its biggest challenge, I remembered the latest Church Member Profile …
It may seem the ancient rift between Jews and Christians has largely been healed. Reform Jews and mainline pastors gladly trade pulpits and attend social justice rallies together, while Orthodox Jews and evangelical Christians work together to fund the settlements of Israel …
I first encountered Bertrand Russell’s “Why I Am Not a Christian” in a college philosophy class. It could not have been found within five miles of my Mennonite high school’s library …
I am not saying you should put up a tent at the next wild party that goes on. Maybe you should just go into the party and be Jesus there. I don’t want to say much, because I don’t want this to be about the four of us who were there that night. I want to show what happened …
For the last decade or so, Franconia Mennonite Conference (FMC) and Mennonite Church USA have been on a journey to recapture our voice. It has been a shift from decades and even centuries of being more inwardly focused and “the quiet in the land” to finding our voice as people Jesus has called to live the Great Commission by sharing the Good News and making disciples …