Interview with Richard Heinberg

In this episode, we talk with Richard Heinberg, one of the world’s foremost advocates for a shift away from our reliance on fossil fuels. He is the author of fourteen books, including some of the major works on society’s current energy and environmental sustainability crisis. His latest book is Power: Limits and Prospects for Human Survival (New Society, 2021). He is also Senior Fellow of the Post Carbon Institute, which is one of the main places Sheri goes to for information and analysis related to the polycrisis in which we find ourselves.  Sheri relied on Richard’s work and that of the Post Carbon Institute when writing her and Sarah’s book, which is coming out later this month – So That We and Our Children May Live: Following Jesus in Confronting the Climate Crisis (Herald Press). We’re delighted that Richard wrote an endorsement for our book!

You can find all of the articles Richard mentioned in this podcast, and more, at his website

Also check out the Post Carbon Institute’s, which offers complex and clear systemic analysis on ecology, the environment, the equity crisis, energy and politics.

You can follow the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery on Instagram (@coalitiontodismantle) and Facebook (

Interview with Dwight Metzger

In anticipation of the Day of Prayer for Oak Flat on Nov. 4, we talk to Dwight Metzger, who has struggled with Apache Stronghold for decades to protect their sacred ancestral lands from destruction by a copper mine. In this interview, Dwight talks about the importance of the sacred sites of Oak Flat and Mount Graham for the San Carlos Apache and how he has been converted from the worldview of Western corporate environmentalism to one that follows the leadership of Indigenous people.  


For more information about the Nov. 4, 2023, Day of Prayer, please go here.

Other websites:

  • Dwight’s union print shop, The Gloo Factory
  • To learn more about Oak Flat and Mount Graham, go to the Apache Stronghold website

Sarah and Sheri wrote a book together! Find out more about So We and Our Children May Live: Following Jesus in Confronting the Climate Crisis here.

You can follow the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery on Instagram (@coalitiontodismantle) and Facebook (

Correction: In this episode, Sarah refers to the mine that Resolution Copper wants to build at Oak Flat as an open pit copper mine. Actually, the copper deposit is one mile underground, which is why Resolution Copper is proposing an unproven “block and cave” method to extract the copper. The process is also sometimes referred to as block caving.


Interview with Patty Krawec

We’re back after taking a break to write a book! (See below.) The first podcast of our new season features Patty Krawec, an Anishinaabe and Ukranian writer from Lac Seul First Nation. She is the author of the compelling book, Becoming Kin: An Indigenous Call to Unforgetting the Past and Reimagining our Future, released in 2022. She is also the cohost of the Medicine for the Resistance podcast and the cofounder of the Nii’kinaaganaa Foundation. We’re also honored that Patty wrote a beautiful forward for our book, which is being published this month.

Our book: So That We and Our Children May Live: Following Jesus in Confronting the Climate Crisis (Herald Press)

Patty’s website and Substack

You can follow the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery on Instagram (@coalitiontodismantle) and Facebook (

A Foster Mom Speaks Out about ICWA

In episode #7, we discussed the Indian Child Welfare Acts or ICWA, which is a major piece of civil rights legislation for Native Americans that has come under threat in the courts. This important law, passed in 1978, strengthened the legal rights of Indigenous families and specified that when Native children are removed from the care of their families, they will be placed in the care of extended family members, families in their own tribe, or Indigenous families from another tribe. On Nov. 9, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case that challenges the constitutionality of ICWA. In this episode, we will hear about the importance of ICWA by talking to a mother from the dominant culture who fostered a Native child.

For more information:

  • The National Indian Child Welfare Association website
  • Chapter one of Sarah Augustine’s  book, The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery.
  • Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition website.

Ask an Indian – Part 2

In round two of this episode, Sarah answers more listener questions, including: 

  • I was in a meeting where someone used the phrase “off the rez,” and I noticed that you (Sarah) as the only Native person in the meeting were actually less offended by this phrase than other folks were. Can you say more about your response?
  • How do white people know which “side” to take when Indigenous communities are divided around an issue?  For example, some tribes, or people within them, are supportive of a tribe seeking federal recognition and some are not. Or some are supportive of a development project, but others are not. 
  • When Indigenous peoples want land return, does that mean they want to kick me out of my house? Do they want me to leave the country or something?  

We want your questions, especially those you might feel too embarrassed to ask “out loud.” Please submit any questions to Sheri at You can even do so anonymously, if you wish. And, for more information on donating land to local Native tribes or proceeds from a land sale to Indigenous justice organizations, please contact John Stoesz at and check out this video for his story of land return.


Ask an Indian – Part 1

In this recurring episode, Sarah answers questions from listeners. Questions include:

  • What is the deal about dressing up like and Indian? Why is that offensive? 
  • What do Native people think about Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, etc.?
  • Many white settlers look to Indigenous People for ideas about how to connect with the land and live more sustainably. But Indigenous people have been so assimilated – what wisdom do they actually have to offer the larger culture? 

We want your questions, especially those you might feel too embarrassed to ask “out loud.” Please submit any questions to Sheri at You can even do so anonymously, if you wish.


In this episode, Sarah and Sheri talk about Sarah’s “100-year vision” for the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition. Sarah will begin as the full-time Executive Director of the Coalition on July 1.

To contribute to Sarah’s salary campaign, please go here. Every dollar you donate will be matched by Sheri’s congregation, First Mennonite Church of San Francisco, through Indigenous Peoples Day of this year (October 10).

Conservation and Decolonization

It’s almost summer and many of us will be traveling to the U.S.’s national parks for vacation and recreation. In this episode, Sarah and Sheri talk about how the formation of our national parks, the conservation movement that inspired their formation, and colonization have gone hand in hand. They also talk about how conservation could be decolonized.


For more information:
Link to The Atlantic article, “Return the National Parks to the Tribes” by David Treuer
Statistics from Cultural Survival can be found here.

Redistricting and the Doctrine of Discovery

In this episode, Sarah and Sheri talk about Sarah’s experience of serving as chair of the Washington State Redistricting Commission and the impact of that redistricting process on Native people.

Beyond Electric Cars and Renewable Energy

In this episode, Sarah and Sheri talk about  why renewable energy and electric cars and green growth won’t save us – and how these things are linked to the same extractive, dominating worldview of the Doctrine of Discovery.

For more information:

  • Link to Jason Hickel’s book Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World
  • Link to Jason Hickel’s article, “Degrowth is About Global Justice”
  • See chapters 7 and 8 of Sarah’s book, This Land Is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery for more information on extraction and the impact it has on Indigenous communities. – 
  • See this article about exponential growth and how our ignorance of it causes problems from how we deal with COVID to the climate crisis
  • This video talks about the difficulty of electrifying all sources of transportation, such as rail, shipping and air. 
  • This article talks about the growing scarcity of sand, which is the world’s most consumed raw material after water.
  • See this article for information about the San Carlos Apache’s fight to save Oak Flat from copper mining.
  • This article talks about the “decoupling delusion” – that is, decoupling GDP growth from resource and energy use.