In a nutshell, this is what I think matters when we look at the book of Revelation. What are we looking for when we look at Revelation? And what does Revelation tell us about the way to see this “little round planet” and this “big universe”? …
In a nutshell, this is what I think matters when we look at the book of Revelation. What are we looking for when we look at Revelation? And what does Revelation tell us about the way to see this “little round planet” and this “big universe”? …
Little, perhaps, consumes our time, energy and money more than our health. And when we seek it, we often turn to what Raymond Downing calls “biomedicine.” He also names it as a fallen principality or power that can be a servant but wants to be our master …
The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board has taken specific leadership steps since February, when it declared that our combined leadership habits do not adequately support our vision and mission. Why did they say this? What actions have they taken? …
What does baptism mean today? As John D. Roth says in his article (page 8), when members of our church are baptized, the vows they take should be the beginning of a covenant relationship taken as seriously by the church as are marriage vows. But uncertainty about what baptism means leaves the vows anemic; many who are baptized drift away from their vows and the church …
Bare, white walls. Clean linoleum floors. Hints of disinfectant in the air. I rounded the corner on my way to Cameron’s room in the stroke unit of the hospital. To my delight and surprise, I saw Tom waiting in the hall while a nurse met with Cameron. I don’t know why I was surprised that people from church would pay him a visit …
This past summer I “plant sat” for Gretchen, my neighbor. She had nine beautiful tomato plants and two promising green pepper plants. That was a lot next to my single patio tomato in a five-gallon bucket …
I wanted to talk to a friend after the church service, but I remembered the “three-minute guideline” presented at a leadership meeting. For three minutes after the service, we were asked to talk to folks we didn’t know. So I looked for newcomers. I spoke to a man I didn’t recognize, but he seemed nervous and put off. Since he hadn’t been to church in a long time, I tried to make him feel comfortable, joking about the crowded parking. He seemed more at ease …
One Sunday this past spring our congregation gathered, as we do each year, to celebrate a baptismal service. The event is a highlight of the church year and an important part of our congregational identity. We gather in the fellowship hall for breakfast. Then, as the tables are being cleared, someone leads out in the folk hymn “I Went Down to the River to Pray,” which we sing with gusto before piling into cars to caravan to a local pond …