Playing the music of the heart Glenn Earl Musselman, a life-long missionary and musician, died May 13, 2016, at IU Health Goshen (Indiana) Hospital. He was 89 years old. He served Danielle Klotz June 16, 2016
Hiding in plain sight This article is a collaboration by the advancement team at Prairie View with insight from Barbara Walker, LSCSW, LCAC, at Prairie View and James Wilson, This Hannah Heinzekehr | Anabaptist World June 16, 2016
Let’s get on with church Elwood Yoder teaches history in Harrisonburg, Virginia. It’s time to move on from debates in Mennonite Church USA and get to the business of being Elwood Yoder June 16, 2016
How God makes a miracle How does God make a miracle? In the beginning, God spoke and created the miracle of life. In the gospels, Jesus spoke and healed the April Yamasaki June 16, 2016
Friday Round-up: Five things worth paying attention to this week We're starting a new weekly series. Every Friday, we'll have an author that highlights five things to read, watch or check out online. This week's The Mennonite June 16, 2016