Power in the blood As the first Adam’s sweat surrounds my face, May the last Adam’s blood my soul embrace. — John Donne After rehearsing a gospel song, a Sarah Kehrberg April 14, 2014
Death consumed by life There is a spark of God hidden within each one of us. For some the spark only smolders and smokes, layers of ash encasing the Patrick Nafziger April 14, 2014
Recovering catholicity I still remember the words of my tour guide in St. John Lateran in Rome. She referred to our group’s Protestants with loving disdain. She Stephen Kriss March 31, 2014
A gift that saved a life More than 3,000 Canadians are waiting for a kidney transplant. Many will die while on the waiting list. Carol Penner thinks that’s wrong. So wrong, John Longhurst March 31, 2014
Vision of abundance A man stood on a street corner selling magazines produced by an advocacy organization for the homeless — vendors keep part of their sales and Celeste Kennel-Shank March 31, 2014
To love and resist This is how I think about the way of the cross. Compassion, curiosity, humility and grace linked with courageous opposition to sin, injustice and evil. Andre Gingerich Stoner | Mennonite World Review March 31, 2014
A donkey, not a warhorse Zechariah offers good news for a people at war. Their deliverer has come! His feet have trod on the necks of his enemies, and his Patrick Nafziger March 20, 2014
Jesus, priest and king I remember the first time I experienced the dark underbelly of the democratic process. I was sitting near the back of a junior high classroom with Patrick Nafziger March 20, 2014
Palestinian Mass a prayer for justice “What do we do? We pray,” said Father Ibrahim Shomali to the crowd assembled in an olive grove in the West Bank town of Beit Ryan Rodrick Beiler March 20, 2014
Patriotism that knows no borders Genuine patriotism seeks the glory of God and the good of fellowmen in every clime and nation. There are no national boundaries for the truly John Sharp March 17, 2014
Antidote to anger Then bubbling up from the inner depths is the one thing we did not want, a biting and bitter spirit. — Richard Foster Celebration of Discipline Sarah Kehrberg March 3, 2014
Debating Genesis It’s not always easy to distinguish sand from rocks. The Feb. 4 debate between Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis and Bill Nye “The Science Jane Yoder-Short March 3, 2014