After several years of meeting online, the Mennonite World Conference Executive Committee gathered in person Dec. 12-14 in Schoorl, the Netherlands.
After several years of meeting online, the Mennonite World Conference Executive Committee gathered in person Dec. 12-14 in Schoorl, the Netherlands.
As Germany once again discusses compulsory military service, Bruno Sägesser of Switzerland is celebrating a very personal anniversary this week: 50 years ago, he refused to do military service in Switzerland and was court-martialed.
Experiencing the vitality of Christian faith in Paris, North American pastors and mission administrators learned new ways to address the secularization of their own communities.
The German Mennonite Peace Committee has begun an initiative to support Russian conscientious objectors.
Members of Church and Peace reiterated their commitment to supporting a nonmilitary end to the war in Ukraine during the organization’s international conference Oct. 20-23 in Crikvenica, Croatia.
As Mennonite Central Committee begins its 2022-23 meat canning season, the need for food in Ukraine and other countries around the world is growing.
The University of Hamburg Department of Peace Church Theology has awarded the 2022 Menno Simons Sermon Prize to Peter Stucky, pastor of Teusaquillo Mennonite Church in Bogotá, Colombia, and professor at Seminario Bíblico Menonita de Colombia.
A Mennonite ministry in eastern Ukraine has abandoned its historic location and transferred its office to a new city in response to an ultimatum from Russian occupying forces.