MC USA announced the decision July 1 by the Executive Board at its June 26-28 meeting in Chicago.
As a result, Theda Good, a pastor at First Mennonite Church in Denver, will not be listed in the national ministerial database.
MC USA announced the decision July 1 by the Executive Board at its June 26-28 meeting in Chicago.
As a result, Theda Good, a pastor at First Mennonite Church in Denver, will not be listed in the national ministerial database.
Eight years ago, when Jonathan Stucky and a small group of women from the Teusaquillo Mennonite congregation in Bogotá, Colombia, began bringing food every Sunday afternoon to the small neighborhood of San Nicolás at the edge of the city, their efforts seemed hopelessly insignificant …
For a little over a year, I have co-facilitated a spirituality group for veterans. My partner is a chaplain from the VA hospital. The group meets monthly at the First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wis. …
The decision of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS), Elkhart, Ind., and Mennonite Church USA to revisit the legacy of our most influential 20th-century Mennonite theologian, John Howard Yoder, has resulted in articles and responses in our church periodicals and elsewhere.
We need to consider how higher education can serve and be served by the Anabaptist/Mennonite community while dealing with the complex reality of institutional histories, economics, student dynamics and technology …
Magazines like to publish articles that present something in a different light. So when Christianity Today, the flagship evangelical periodical, published its June issue with these words on the cover: ”The Case for an Alcohol-Free Life,” the underlying assumption was that most evangelicals use alcohol …
The reality of leaving was gradually sinking in. I was coming to the end of my last year working as youth minister for Lancaster (Pa.) Mennonite School before beginning full-time seminary study …
Jesus loved to spend time with his friends Mary and Martha, who lived in a household with their brother Lazarus …