One of the unique aspects of Mennonite Church USA interchurch conversations is the way the denomination is positioned between Roman Catholicism and various Protestants groups
A Mennonite congregation in British Columbia devoted Mother’s Day to mourning after a shocking triple homicide and suicide rocked the Fraser Valley. Shelly Janzen, a
The Pew Research Center’s study on religion in the United States, released this month, revealed that the church is in the midst of significant changes.
Editors attending the conventions of Canadian Church Press and the U.S.-based Associated Church Press in late April in Toronto heard the latest challenging statistics about
I’m disappointed that Mennonite Church USA has not applied spiritual discipline to the issue of marriage between one man and one woman. All Christians have
On Dec. 6, 1942, Ogwada Okach and Nikanor Dhaje, two Kenyan teenagers enrolled in the Mennonite mission school in Shirati, Tanzania, began preaching in the