This article was originally published by Mennonite World Review

Applying discipline

I’m disappointed that Mennonite Church USA has not applied spiritual discipline to the issue of marriage between one man and one woman. All Christians have sinful desires they suppress. People with homosexual tendencies who suppress these desires are welcome in the church. But to license a pastor in a practicing homosexual lifestyle is to promote what the Bible states is sin. Satan is smiling when we compromise with sin. Satan desires to divide and destroy the Mennonite church. This would not be an issue if MC USA had applied spiritual discipline. Why would any practicing homosexual want to be a member of MC USA, with its Confession of Faith’s definition of marriage? Would a Christian join an organization with bylaws that are anti­biblical? The world is influencing the Mennonite church rather than the church influencing the world. If conferences are going to ordain practicing homosexuals, I pray that all congregations leave. I cannot remain a Mennonite if the church promotes sinful living.

Phil Zuercher
Canton, Ohio

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