MCC walks with undocumented couple targeted for deportation at hospital Photo: In seeking emergency health care for their infant son, Isaac, Irma Francisca Quinones Alamillo and Oscar Enrique Sanchez Islas face deportation. MCC Photo/John Burnett. Mennonite Central Committee Linda Espenshade, Mennonite Central Committee September 21, 2017
Screen-free relationships Last week Makai started kindergarten at the same school where Cody is now in his second year. Though we are very happy with the school Christina Bartel Barkman September 21, 2017
Resonate committee one year into work Members of the Mennonite Worship and Song Committee are now one year into their work toward a new hymnal. At a recent meeting at Camp MennoMedia September 21, 2017
Albuquerque Mennonite calls Erica Lea, first openly LGBTQ solo pastor in MC USA Erica Lea is the first openly LGBTQ individual to be called as a solo pastor in Mennonite Church USA. On Sept. 10, Albuquerque (New Mexico) Hannah Heinzekehr, The Mennonite September 21, 2017