Americans prize personal liberty and individual choice. We prefer cars and trucks over buses and trains. Contemporary worship songs hew to personal, not group, language.
It is no coincidence that the Protestant Reformation shook the foundations of Christendom less than a century after Gutenberg invented the printing press. A revolution
Speaking at the recent Anabaptist women’s theology conference in Virginia, Erica Littlewolf, from the Northern Cheyenne tribe of Montana, said she doesn’t like to call
Is a church that tears families apart doing God’s will? The sadness and resignation of the young adults who appear in The Amish: Shunned testify the answer
Every moment of the Anabaptist women’s conference Feb. 20-22 was filled with opportunities to share insight, theology, stories and friendship. It was exciting and energizing;
At its recent meeting in Harrisonburg, Va., the Mennonite Church USA Executive Board might have modeled the faithful discernment the church needs to find its
At the School for Leadership Training at Eastern Mennonite Seminary in January, we planned to offer keynotes, case studies and workshops on discernment. As SLT
Once again anxiety has risen in Mennonite Church USA over issues of homosexuality. When this happens, it is important to remember the covenant members have made.