BOGOTÁ, Colombia — In meetings prior to the July 21-26 assembly in Harrisburg, Pa., Mennonite World Conference announced changes in the leadership of three of its commissions.
Joji Pantoja was appointed chair of the Peace Commission. Pantoja and her husband, Dann, originally from Canada, are peacebuilding missionaries in the Philippines. She succeeds Paulus Widjaja of Indonesia as chair.
Newly appointed secretary of the Peace Commission is Andrew Suderman. He and his wife, Karen, originally from Canada, are providing leadership to the Anabaptist Network and Resource Centre in South Africa. He succeeds Robert J. Suderman as secretary of the commission.
Stanley Green of the United States was appointed chair of the Mission Commission. Green is executive director of Mennonite Mission Network, the mission agency of Mennonite Church USA. He succeeds Richard Showalter of the United States as chair. Rafael Zaracho of Paraguay continues as secretary of the commission.
Siaka Traoré of Burkina Faso was appointed chair of the Deacons Commission. Traoré is president of Église Évangélique Mennonite du Burkina Faso. He succeeds Cynthia Peacock of India as chair. Henk Stenvers of the Netherlands continues as secretary of the commission.
Alfred Neufeld of Paraguay continues as chair of the Faith and Life Commission, and John Roth of the U.S. as secretary.
“I want to express my gratitude for the years of service that Paulus, Richard and Cynthia did in a voluntary way as commission chairs and for the excellent work that Robert developed as Peace Commission secretary,” said MWC general secretary César García. “These leaders contributed to the good health of our MWC body. They did so during their years of service and during this time of transition.
“It is my prayer that the new leaders of our commissions will be encouraged and inspired by their predecessors in their global ministries.”
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