Master craftsman What did Jesus learn from his father? Maybe the skills and values my carpenter dad taught me. Chad Martin December 19, 2023
Rachel’s tears This, too, is Christmas: mourning with the anguished, proclaiming defiant hope Will O’Brien December 15, 2023
Know better, do better With my daughter, I’m reading the books I enjoyed as a child with new eyes Jennie Wintermote | Anabaptist World November 28, 2023
Sanctuary story Immigration sanctuary experience inspires novel for youth Tim Huber | Anabaptist World November 17, 2023
Death at our doorstep The end of life is a part of life. Let’s learn to face it. Anna Ruth Hershberger November 1, 2023
Keepers of the old ways Colony Mennonites in Bolivia preserve tradition, innovate as numbers grow Eileen Kinch | Anabaptist World October 27, 2023
Still following Jesus Sixty years after enrolling at Tabor College, how had we changed? D. Merrill Ewert, Dale Fast, David Klaassen | Kenneth Ratzlaff October 16, 2023
An adoptee who invites others Mission Network leader Marisa Smucker knows what it means to be welcomed into the household of faith Laurie Oswald Robinson | Anabaptist World October 11, 2023
Subtractions add up When congregations choose new spiritual kin, even centuries-long relationships end Paul Schrag | Anabaptist World October 9, 2023
‘If thine eye be single . . .’ Honing everything down to one treasure is ultimate simplicity Colin Saxton | For Anabaptist World September 25, 2023
A tale of two horses and two cars Whatever our reasons, simplicity is complicated Lori Guenther Reesor | For Anabaptist World September 22, 2023