I value the objective role of Anabaptist World as an independent media outlet. This compels me to express my disappointment in Tim Huber’s article, “Ohio Conference to review MC USA affiliation” (March 25), which lacks balance and perpetuates inaccuracies. The article centers on Ohio Conference’s affiliation with Mennonite Church USA, leading readers to believe this was the main focus of the conference assembly. Yet, given AW ’s single-issue approach, MC USA was not contacted for a response, which would have added balance.
The article leaves false impressions. First, Ohio conference minister Dick Barrett is cited as saying the theological understandings of people in MC USA have changed. This is a sweeping generalization given the diversity of perspectives within MC USA and is not helpful. The official theological positions of MC USA, as reflected in the 1995 Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, have not changed.
Second, Barrett is quoted as saying many Ohio members would have difficulty with “the theological emphasis that MC USA has expressed in its media postings and resources and resolutions, particularly the Repentance and Transformation resolution being brought to the delegate assembly in May.” The R&T resolution is not an emphasis of MC USA. It is proposed by the Inclusive Mennonite Pastors group and reflective of their views. They are asking delegates to decide its future.
Michael Danner, Elkhart, Ind.
The writer is associate executive director of Mennonite Church USA.
Two conferences in Mennonite Church USA allow congregations to be members of the conference but not the denomination. A March 25 article, “Ohio Conference to review MC USA affiliation,” said there are more than two. Also, some congregations in South Central Mennonite Conference are evaluating their affiliations. The article implied all congregations are.
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