This article was originally published by The Mennonite

Guide her with a light from above

Grace and Truth

The words to the song “God Bless America” are really a prayer. The words came as a prayer as I experienced overwhelming grief about the sad implications for the nation’s well-being, associated with the intentional words and unintentional “misspeaks” by presidential candidates and national religious leaders—as well as distortions by some media representatives, bloggers, supporters of candidates and political parties—that seem more dedicated to inflaming the dark side of human nature than enlightening and encouraging attitudes and behavior that leads to “domestic tranquility.”

The words “guide her with a light from above,” from the song stood out as the great need. The “light from above”—that has potential to prevent destruction, dysfunction and violence in community, family, international and intra-national relationships—is called the Golden Rule.

It is a rule that has been affirmed for centuries, but eventually laid aside by adherents to many philosophical and religious traditions. Unfortunately, this also includes the so-called right, left and progressive Christians.

Is it not possible that if preachers—whose sermonic words have been replayed over and over again—had applied the Golden Rule perhaps some of the damage done would have been avoided? Since all candidates, media people, party and candidate supporters, bloggers and this writer have misspoken or will misspeak sooner or later, it seems that all of us would do well to consider how we would want to be treated or spoken about when we misspeak.

Would we want forgiveness and mercy or would we want to be hammered over and over again with demands for apologies that when given never seem good enough or sufficient. What if those on the right would follow the Golden Rule when speaking or writing about those on the left, and vice versa? What if those from one ethnic group followed that rule when speaking or writing about other groups?

The same principle would go a long way toward enhancing the witness of the church of Jesus Christ and could help this nation overcome the ways of darkness that threaten us all.
In addition to saying that we should do unto others as we would be done unto, Jesus commanded that we love our enemies, pray for and do them good, in addition to loving one another as He loved.

What if pro-choice and pro-life devotees followed the Golden Rule and the other commands of Jesus in regard to each other? What if peace church members and just war supporting church members did the same? What if gay, lesbian and transgender people and antigay people followed the rule and commands?

Is it not possible that the “light from above” found in the words of Jesus? History and the Bible speak of critical times, when nations had opportunities to be guided by transcendent instructions and wisdom—or “light from above”—but failed to do so.

Could it be that this is the critical time for all the governing and the governed people of the United States of America to embrace and live the Golden Rule that transcends religious persuasions, and for all of us, who claim Jesus as Lord, to obey his additional commands, as well?

I believe this is such a time, because I have children and grandchildren that I want to live abundant and peaceful lives, and because I do love this greatly graced nation, I pray that the majority of us will do so.

B. Elaine Bryant is prayer coordinator for Illinois Mennonite Conference.

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