Indiana-Michigan adopts nondiscrimination policy

Indiana-Michigan Conference of Mennonite Church USA has adopted a policy to “not deny credentials to someone called to ministry in IMMC because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status.”

Delegates passed the policy with 90.6% approval at their annual meeting June 9-10 at Amigo Centre in Sturgis, Mich.

The conference reviewed its policy on credentialing people in same-sex relationships after MC USA delegates rescinded the denomination’s Membership Guidelines at a special delegate assembly in 2022.

The revised Indiana-Michigan policy says, “Congregations continue to be the deciding bodies about their pastoral leadership and thus can, without fear of interference, choose to call or not call as a pastor any person equipped for pastoral leadership.”

The meeting’s theme was “Unity in Love,” based on Philippians 2:1-5. Cyneatha Millsaps of Mennonite Women USA, and Indiana-Michigan conference co-minister Sharon Yoder preached on the passage, emphasizing the need for listening and relationship building that promotes unity over uniformity.

The closure or release of five congregations was recognized.

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