Brent A. Koehn (Letters, Sept. 22) somewhat accurately translates the two words that are mistranslated in Romans 1:26-27. But he trips all over himself to twist them around to show his prejudice, exactly like the original translators. Para also translates as “alongside” or “along with,” so the verse can be just as easily translated as “alongside (or along with) the natural condition,” which makes more sense given the everything-goes orgies the Greeks and Romans were famous for at that time.
According to medical journals, 7,800 children are born in the U.S. every year whose gender is not clear at birth. For years, parents were asked to choose their child’s gender. What happens when they make the wrong choice? Can we please move on from this ridiculous debate and just love everyone the way God loves us?
Ronald A. Chupp, Goshen, Ind.
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