MC USA BIPOC leaders gathering in February

Mennonite Church USA’s Hope for the Future conference will draw from Isaiah 58 for its theme, “Breaking Chains, Mending Walls,” Feb. 9-11 in Dallas. The annual conference provides space for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) leaders to share in mutual support and worship.

Worship speakers are Abby Endashaw, Mennonite Central Committee summer service national coordinator; Joanne Gallardo, Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference co-conference minister; and Steve Chun, a member of Pasadena Mennonite Church in California. Hendy Matahelemual and Marina Setyati will lead music.

Felipe Hinojosa, professor of history at Baylor University, will speak on how BIPOC leaders have shaped the Mennonite church.

“Isaiah 58 is an invitation for God’s people to remember who they are and what they are called to do in times of catastrophic challenges,” said Sue Park-Hur, MC USA director of racial/ethnic engagement. “I look forward to our keynote speaker, Dr. Felipe Hinojosa, who will share stories of BIPOC leaders in the Mennonite Church who have been breaking chains and mending walls.”

A gala will honor elders who have played leadership roles within MC USA. Honorees are Bishop Leslie Francisco III, oversight pastor at C3 Hampton in Virginia; Conrado and Esther Hinojosa, who were the earliest church planters in Brownsville, Texas; Wilma Redbird, who comes from Western District Conference and represents Native Mennonite Ministries; and Roy Williams, assistant moderator of Mosaic Mennonite Conference.

Conference sponsors are Everence, Mennonite Central Committee, Mennonite Education Agency and Mennonite Mission Network.

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