The Mennonite Brethren conference in Colombia has called on the global Anabaptist family to support them in prayer after the La Samaritana MB congregation in La Toma gave shelter in May to about 300 people fleeing violence between illegal groups and the army.
Growing up in Colombia, in a Catholic family with eight brothers, I had to deal with the patriarchal tradition that women had more duties at home than men.
The World Council of Churches has appointed a Mennonite as one of its observer participants in the next stage of a peace process addressing armed conflict in Colombia.
Each summer for the last four years, a community on the outskirts of Soacha, Colombia, has gathered to watch its children play in their own, local version of the World Cup — a soccer tournament for peace.
The University of Hamburg Department of Peace Church Theology has awarded the 2022 Menno Simons Sermon Prize to Peter Stucky, pastor of Teusaquillo Mennonite Church in Bogotá, Colombia, and professor at Seminario Bíblico Menonita de Colombia.