Qom is the original name of the Chaco’s Toba indigenous people — a name they are reclaiming.
Qom is the original name of the Chaco’s Toba indigenous people — a name they are reclaiming.
To help farmers make it through to the second growing season, Mennonite Central Committee provided emergency food assistance to 1,666 families. That included a distribution of 30,384 cans of meat in El Salvador, Honduras . . .
Five years after a devastating earthquake tore across Port-au-Prince . . .
The Kennells, of Albuquerque, N.M., are North American ambassadors for SEMILLA, a role they took on this year. They returned Nov. 30 from a three-week trip through five countries, where they met with eight groups of students.
They asked students about their experience with SEMILLA — good and bad — as well as their hopes and dreams for the school.
At Project MAMA, a community development and education program in Honduras, one of the workers had been attacked by several gang members.
Yet as the worker interacted with EMM leaders, she began crying and lamenting that these gang members are now suffering in prison.