Team with transgender athlete refuses to play B.C. college after alleging abuse

Columbia Bible College Columbia Bible College

The Vancouver Island University women’s basketball team refused to play a pair of games against Mennonite-affiliated Columbia Bible College in January because of alleged verbal and physical mistreatment of a transgender teammate by Columbia’s coach and players in October.

Vancouver player Harriette Mackenzie, who is transgender, said Columbia coach Taylor Claggett went on a “tirade” after losing on Oct. 25, yelling about how Mackenzie shouldn’t be allowed to play against women, The Associated Press reported. Mackenzie said her opponents physically targeted her when the teams played again Oct. 26.

In a statement, CBC officials said “accusations that CBC, its coaches, players and fans are a safety threat are simply untrue and misinformed.”

Located in Abbotsford, B.C., CBC is affiliated with Mennonite Church British Columbia and the British Columbia Mennonite Brethren.

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