At its November meeting the board of directors of The Mennonite, Inc. (TMI), reviewed the organization’s ongoing operations and looked with excitement at the continued
Photo: Jaime Cazares (right) and his family. Photo provided by author. This is a web-exclusive article on the theme “Journeys with church.” For more stories
Photo: From left, Bethel College President Jon Gering, vice president for student life Samuel Haynes and vice president for institutional advancement Brad Kohlman cut the
The Executive Board (EB) of Mennonite Church USA has formed a Membership Guidelines Advisory Group to recommend a process for continuing the church’s conversation on
Photo: Delegates from Franconia and Eastern District conferences erupted in applause and song after it was announced that the vote to reconcile was unanimous. Photo
I write on behalf of Willow Avenue Mennonite Church in Clovis, Calif., and with the endorsement of our church council in response to “Consultation Offers
The U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches’ refusal to act in solidarity with virtually all other Mennonite groups in attempting to influence the National Commission
Stoesz bravely points out that “the moral darkness of Trumpism . . . is seasoned with unsavory ingredients of immorality, race-hating, mistreatment of children, greed