MC USA announces convention worship plans, morning Bible study Hybrid in-person and online event registration opens April 6 Mennonite Church USA April 6, 2021
Service grounded in biblical mission On the occasion of the centenary of Mennonite Central Committee, it is a gift to have a concise and accessible historical overview of the agency Anabaptist World April 6, 2021
The Gospel that lets us write the ending One of my favorite Easter hymns is “Up from the Grave He Arose.” The contrasts of tempo and pitch between the verses and the refrain, Melanie A. Howard April 6, 2021
The Mayan struggle to survive The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers; . . . The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed Sarah Augustine April 6, 2021
Pandemic and privilege Is justice really at the heart of this crisis, the pandemic? A friend of mine has been sharing the inhumane treatments she receives lately from Anthonia Onye April 6, 2021
Sweet hour(s) of prayer Several years ago, while participating in a study tour of the Meserete Kristos Anabaptist churches in Ethiopia, I happened to share a room with a John D. Roth April 6, 2021