Two mothers of six children each are living through the Israeli military’s assault in Gaza, which began last October. Both women’s houses were destroyed multiple times by previous Israeli attacks since Israel set up an air, sea and land blockade of Gaza in 2007. Here, in their own words, they describe the past year in Gaza.
Mennonite Disaster Service has been responding to a repeat flood disaster in and around Barre, Vt., where volunteers have mucked out or repaired more than 50 homes.
Mennonite Church USA’s Women in Leadership steering committee bid farewell recently to two founding members, Linda Gehman Peachey and Erica Littlewolf, after more than a decade of service.
The Movement of Anabaptist Women Doing Theology from Latin America, or MTAL, celebrated its 20th anniversary with a workshop in El Salvador on April 14-16.
It was the end of a long and sometimes challenging road — including a transfer to a different Mennonite denomination — when Aberdeen Mennonite Church in Winnipeg, Man., finally ordained a woman to be its pastor.