Mediaculture: Reflections on the effect of media and culture on our faith
Cloud Atlas (R) is an amazing adaptation of David Mitchell’s intricate novel. It melds six stories from six different periods of history, including two in the future, and shows how the actions of individuals, often against repressive systems, reverberate through time. Despite some miscues, the editing here is often ingenious. Those who haven’t read the book, however, may have trouble following the narrative.—Gordon Houser
Flight (R) dramatizes an airline pilot saving a flight from crashing, but an investigation into the malfunctions reveals something troubling. Denzel Washington is outstanding in this exploration of the destructive power of alcoholism and the redemptive power of truthtelling.—gh
Weaving Life: The Life and Death of Peacemaker Dan Terry tells how Dan Terry, who worked with many Mennonites through the years, wove relationships, joy, partnership and understanding into his lifelong work in Afghanistan. Terry was among 10 humanitarian aid workers assassinated in Afghanistan in August 2010. The film is made by visual and communication arts students at Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Va. It’s a good companion to the book Making Friends Among the Taliban, reviewed last month.—gh
Health, Healing and the Church’s Mission: Biblical Perspectives and Moral Priorities by Willard Swartley (InterVarsity Press, 2012, $24) surveys three millennia of biblical and theological teaching and practice in congregational life and mission. Swartley seeks to “reclaim the relationship between the Triune God and our healing and health-care efforts.” The church, he says, “is called to continue what Jesus began: to be a healing community.” This timely book brings together theology and a current crisis.—gh
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