Distressing, heartwarming

Thank you so much for “Finding pride in my brother” “and “Finding my brother at Pride” (July 9). I found the articles both distressing and heartwarming. Distressing to note Gerald Thiessen’s struggles and suicidal thoughts, engendered at least in part by condemnation from an unaccepting church. Heartwarming in reading of the brothers’ loving reconnection with the aid of an accepting church!

Edward Neufeld, Overland Park, Kan.

Hats off to Peter Thiessen for sharing his story regarding his struggle to accept his brother, Gerhard, and the wonderful resolution. Hats off to Gerhard for his willingness to accept his brother and affirm his experience. What an uplifting story full of sadness, pain, struggle and joy. Would that more people in general and more people of faith could come to such a positive and rewarding resolution. Thanks so much for writing and sharing in the process of difficult and rewarding love.  

Lowell Nofziger, Wadsworth, Ohio

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