This article was originally published by The Mennonite

Ervin Stutzman: A letter to our brothers and sisters in Kansas

Ervin Stutzman

We mourn with all those affected by the terrible violence that took place in Hesston, Kansas, on February 25. Our hearts are torn by the terrible losses inflicted on the victims’ families and friends and all whose lives are interwoven with theirs in the communities of Hesston, Newton and beyond.

We pray that the “peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” may surround the hearts and minds of everyone involved. May our Lord Jesus be your strength as you face the difficult realities foisted upon you by this tragedy. May God’s infinite mercy reach even to the shooter and those who loved him.

We also pray that God may use us, Mennonite Church USA, as agents of peace in a world beset with all manner of violence. May this tragedy in one of our beloved communities strengthen our resolve to work for peace in our backyards and across the globe.


Ervin R. Stutzman
Executive director, Mennonite Church USA

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