Angie Santoso is 22 years old and currently living in Los Angeles, California. She has a Bachelors degree in Business Marketing, and is now attending UCLA Extension for Interior Design. On the weekends, she loves biking down the Santa Monica boardwalk with her puppy pom, Charli. She attends Maranatha Christian Fellowship in Northridge, California.
1. The Olympics are happening! One of my favorite interviews so far involves a Chinese swimmer, Fu Yuanhui, so exuberant about beating her own time and completely unaware that she had actually won a bronze medal!
2. One of my favorite books recently is The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. Its always been a lifelong dream to have less stuff, but when it comes down to donating stuff, it doesn’t seem all that easy. This book really changed my perspective on earthly things and how we really don’t need much to live fully.
3. With LA being in a drought, it puts into perspective how privileged we are to even have clean, running water. There are a couple water charities out there, but one that caught my attention is Charity Water. They build wells to decrease the amount of time it takes for the women in a village to get clean water. The website states tha,t “In Africa alone, women spend 40 billion hours a year walking for water.”
4. In Louisville, Kentucky, teens were “punished” by their mother and had to mow lawns for free. Well, this backfired as the teens ended up loving it! It turned out to be an antidote to boredom and they developed helpful hearts, setting out to mow everyone’s grass for free, just to give back to the community.
5. Pokemon Go saved a little ice cream shop in Anacortes, Washington! For those unfamiliar with Pokemon Go, its a virtual reality game that’s all the rave right now for people of all ages. Using an app, people go to “pokestops” or community areas to refill on pokeballs and other items, while also having the chance to catch pokemon there. Places with more than one pokestop can witness a gathering of many people for many hours. Some pokestops, located near the Mad Hatter’s Ice Cream Shop in Anacortes, actually saved the small business from going under. Read the full story here and watch one news report below.
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