Generous friends and gifts from kings

A nativity puzzle. Photo by Lee Young on Unsplash. Photo by Lee Young on Unsplash.

January brings the impulse to look forward, to dream about what we want to do and how we want to grow.

Over the past few issues, I’ve shared about our end-of-year match­ing fund campaign. A generous donor pledged to match up to $25,000 raised, and we met the goal!

I am blown away by our support­ers’ generosity: We have raised over $40,000, not including the matching gift. This has been the most generous funding campaign since the launch of Anabaptist World.

We are so grateful for this wonderful support. I hope to keep the momentum going and work even more closely with our donors and supporters this year.

Matching gifts spark more generosity; one giver inspires many others. It’s an encouraging thought as we consider how to support movements that are important to us.

This year holds a few changes for our AW team. We’re adopting a monthly schedule (compared to our previous 16 issues per year). Beginning in late March, we’ll mail on the last or next-to-last Friday of the month, to arrive in your mailbox around the first of the month.

Often we’ll publish more pages per issue than in the past. And we’re continuing to expand our digital content. On page 43, you’ll see a new feature, “AW Online,” highlighting a few of the articles you can find on our website, It’s a reminder that there are more articles and stories to be found than just in the print edition. We invite you to check the website throughout the month, as we aim to have new content daily.

In my family, we celebrate Epiphany, or Three Kings Day. My husband grew up with a tradition of putting water and hay out for the camels, much like some children put out milk and cookies for Santa Claus.

Now our son does this, and he puts his boots outside the front door to receive a gift from the Three Kings as they pass by on their way to see Jesus. As we snuggle in for the night, we read the Christmas story and talk about who the Three Kings might have been and why they were seeking Jesus.

This family ritual made me think about how God can speak to anyone and that Jesus welcomes us all, no matter where we are from or how far we’ve traveled.

We don’t know exactly who the Three Kings were, but we know they were sky watchers from far away. They represent that Jesus comes for the whole world, for anyone paying attention and willing to follow.

Danielle Klotz

Danielle Klotz is executive director of Anabaptist World. She lives in Goshen Indiana with her partner Nata and their sons Read More

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