ICOMB releases director due to financial deficit

Elton DaSilva Elton DaSilva

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren released Elton DaSilva as global director Oct. 1 due to a serious financial deficit.

ICOMB global board chair Paul Gerhard Dück of Brazil made the announcement Oct. 3. DaSilva was formerly national director of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches and had served in the ICOMB role since the beginning of the year.

The board will carry out leadership duties for the foreseeable future with assistance from a global ministry team of regional leaders.

“The board and the entire ICOMB family sincerely appreciation Elton’s contributions, first as an ICOMB delegate representing the Canadian MB Conference, then as a board member and most recently as global director,” Dück wrote. “The Board is committed to implementing the new vision he facilitated for ICOMB and other positive changes as our financial realities permit.”

The USMB magazine Christian Leader reported in 2023 that DaSilva was selected for his strong spiritual leadership qualities, ability to speak multiple languages, theological position, familiarity with Global North and South conferences and his ability to connect with additional resources.

ICOMB’s 2022 budget was $165,000, with about 41% coming from conference contributions and the rest through fundraising.

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