Anabaptist World invites submissions on the theme of “Joy to the World” for our Dec. 25 issue.
With COVID-19, racial injustice, political strife, economic uncertainty and what may seem like less good news than usual, 2020 has been a challenging year. For some, waiting through the darkness of Advent began long ago, and the promise of peace, brightness and joy seems no closer now than it did then. Still, as it did in Isaiah’s day, a voice calls in the wilderness, “Prepare the way for the Lord … and the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together.”
- Where and how do you find joy these days? Is it intentional or surprising?
- Have any hardships and experiences this year illuminated aspects of joy and wonder in new ways? If so, how?
- How has the phrase “joy to the world” changed for you? How has it been transformed?
- Nehemiah 8:10 says that, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” How do we embody and cultivate the strength that comes from joy?
- How are we responsible for joy in the world?
- If getting to joy means crossing a bridge too far, how do you navigate holiday merriment?
- What new ventures energize you to share God’s hope for the world and the arrival of the Prince of Peace?
- What is the work that comes before joy? How have you witnessed or experienced this in your community and life?
Submissions should be 800 to 1,200 words and are due by Nov. 30 at
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