MCC has the resources

In “No longer a rite of passage” (May 26), John Longhurst writes that gathered leaders from Anabaptist/Mennonite groups seemed to bemoan the lack of participation from young adults in their service and volunteer programs. Mennonite Central Committee includes a broad spectrum of Anabaptists. In fiscal year 2022, MCC U.S. raised $13 million more than it spent. In fiscal year 2021 it raised $17 million more than it spent (from financial statements at Nancy Heisey is quoted saying, “Maybe we have to try something new and put some money on the table.” MCC has the resources to act on this. Do they have the imagination to? 

Cliff Dick, North Newton, Kan. 


MCC responds: A large percentage of the funds we retain over expenditures will be spent in coming years on our international programs. Many funds are designated for specific projects, such as the crisis in Ukraine. Recently MCC has stopped requiring young adults to raise funds to participate in SALT, MCC’s Serving and Learning Together program, though raising funds is still encouraged. We hope this change eliminates a barrier to participation.

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