MHF annual gathering to focus on provider resilience

Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship

Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship’s annual gathering will focus on provider resilience in a Sept. 17-19 virtual event.

MHF has sponsored several virtual conversations, support sessions and times of prayer for health-care providers to reflect on how their faith has shaped their response to COVID-19, and that will continue at this year’s event.

Many health-care providers and MHF members have been on the pandemic’s “front lines,” but many also resist this term, noting that military language has often dominated discourse.

The annual gathering’s featured event will be a two-hour training on “Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience,” or “STAR,” provided in a partnership with the Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute. The training will be a chance to acknowledge struggles faced in the last year and learn skills for resilience, all from an Anabaptist-aligned framework.

Friday night’s plenary will be the launch of a new project for MHF, applying Doris Janzen Longacre’s “Five Life Standards” from her 1976 book More with Less to health care.

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