WINNIPEG, Man. — Quebec’s proposed charter of values continues to generate an emotional debate about the place of religion in a secular society.
If the charter is adopted, it would prohibit Quebec’s public sector employees from wearing conspicuously visible religious clothing, headgear and symbols.
Richard Lougheed, a historian and professor of church history in Montreal, encouraged Mennonite Brethren churches in Quebec to talk about this controversial charter of values.
Lougheed, who studies long-term trends, said if the charter is passed it has the potential to affect the 15 churches that belong to the Quebec MB conference and the ministries they support.
“Churches need to talk about it,” Lougheed said. “There are valid differences in opinion. At a minimum level, let’s talk about it and pray together, even if we don’t come to a mutual understanding.”
Lougheed is a professor at ETEM-IBVIE, a Bible school supported by the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches and Christian Missionary Alliance Churches.
The Quebec MB conference along with ETEM-IBVIE, Mennonite Central Committee Quebec, Montreal Centre for Anabaptist Studies and Mennonite Historical Society of Quebec organized a gathering in November to discuss the charter and its religious significance.
“The purpose of the gathering was to inject Christian and Anabaptist values into the discussion,” said Lougheed. The 45 people in attendance heard speakers who support and oppose the charter.
Pro-charter speakers, he said, raised concerns about the role of women being negatively affected and the need for clear guidelines to facilitate relations between various groups.
Speakers opposing the charter spoke about the importance of treating all people with respect and the need to protect newcomers to Canada.
Participants at the gathering discussed the idea of MB churches taking a stand against the charter, but Lougheed said they reached a consensus that more discussion is needed to give people on both sides of the controversy the opportunity to express their views.
“The polls indicate that the majority of people in Quebec support it,” he said. “Many churches don’t talk about it. That is fear, and fear does not come from God.”
Participants at the gathering, he said, were largely opposed to the charter because they believe it does not reflect evangelical and Anabaptist values or achieve its objectives of increasing understanding, harmony and cohesion for all Quebecers.
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