News MC USA joins suit to protect houses of worship from immigration raids Two dozen Christian and Jewish faith groups challenge Trump administration Anabaptist World
News Taiwan Mennonite Church celebrates 70 years of faith and growth Sheldon Sawatsky | Mennonite Mission Network
Wider World Gen Z’s nones have their own beliefs. Try working with them, not converting them. Brian H. Smith | For Religion News Service
Taiwan Mennonite Church celebrates 70 years of faith and growth With choirs, Aboriginal cultural performances and vibrant, joyful worship, the Fellowship of Mennonite Churches in Taiwan celebrated its 70th anniversary Oct. 12-13 at the Chientan Youth Activity Center in Taipei. Sheldon Sawatsky | Mennonite Mission Network
Refugee advocates rally outside White House amid furloughs, frozen funds Aleja Hertzler-McCain | Religion News Service
Joining the resistance Taxpayers fund U.S.-backed wars. What’s a peacemaker to do? Sarah Herrera, Jim Lichti | Joanna Lawrence Shenk