Features Pulling back the curtain As we embody God’s peace, we open a portal to a world where God reigns Jacob Alan Cook
Five Things Five things Friday roundup: Thinking outside the (Christmas) box Joanne Gallardo | For Anabaptist World
Faithful Living and Eating Consider the birds, including the turkey Anna Lisa Gross | For Anabaptist World
Wider World Signing church services for the Deaf is a work of love — and a willingness to learn the Bible Reina Coulibaly | For Religion News Service
Signing church services for the Deaf is a work of love — and a willingness to learn the Bible Reina Coulibaly
Everence extends hurricane relief matching initiative Everence is expanding its hurricane recovery matching gift initiative in response to the generosity of its members and community. Everence
God made me fat and full of swear words I’ve spent years wanting to believe while trying to make up for being me Kyla Hanington
As Ukraine war hits 1,000 days, Pope Francis renews call for peace Claire Giangravé | Religion News Service
‘Sanctuary People’ follows faith-based organizing in the first Trump term Aleja Hertzler-McCain | Religion News Service