In response to “Capitol attack: this is our problem too” (Jan. 22) by Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA: Am I to understand that the riots, including damaging storefronts and tearing down monuments in Seattle, Minneapolis and other metropolitan areas, are appropriate, while the Washington, D.C., riot is to be condemned? I, for one, condemn all behavior that results in the loss of life, destruction of property and disregard for others’ personal safety, regardless of self-centered justification. Guyton calls for togetherness and then condemns the riot at the U.S. Capitol, saying “the privilege and moral authority of the United States has been diminished.” Did the riots of 2020 advance the privilege and moral authority of the United States? If so, how? As Anabaptists we are called to peaceful resolution and should not justify any acts of violence, regardless of self-justification.
Bob Wilkey, Conemaugh Township, Pa
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