I found myself both appreciative and offended by “More to offer than IQ” by Lucinda Kinsinger (June 16). I appreciate the inclusion of people with differing abilities in the conversation about life within the church. I believe that is extremely important, and we are just learning how to do that in healthy ways. I am offended, as I often am, by the limited voice and perspective that an article like this portrays about persons with disabilities such as Down syndrome. Broad generalizations, like some of the ones in this column, are at best naive and at worst damaging.
I have a 17-year-old daughter with Down syndrome, and she is a human being. Like all human beings, she is unique. Who she is cannot be summed up by this article. Persons with Down syndrome have widely varying gifts and can contribute in numerous ways to congregational life. However, she is a person and not an angel. Let us please stop putting walls around what we think people with disabilities can bring to a congregation. Each person will bring something new. But let us also continue these conversations. So, thank you, Lucinda, for writing the article.
Dan Stoltzfus, Goshen, Ind.
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