While I see evidence of common thought between them, I wonder how columnist Jonny Rashid (“Trump’s Bible and ours,” May) would engage with pastors Ryan Ahlgrim and Emily Nyce of First Mennonite Church of Richmond, Va., on their claim that “a politically one-sided, one-perspective congregation is no longer a welcoming church. God calls us to . . . overcome the divisions of society” (“A pastoral letter on politics and the church,” June). Perhaps a distinction needs to be made between political/ideological divisions and divisions between rich and poor, Black and White, male and female, oppressor and oppressed. In our current political environment, I believe we are called to follow Jesus in working to overcome the latter divisions, even if at the expense of the former. Calling upon Jesus followers to stand in the gap between Republicans and Democrats seems a bridge to far.
Matthew Yoder, Bluffton, Ohio
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