In the late 1990s, when Virginia and I were living in London, England was widely described as a post-Christian nation, in which less than 10 percent of the population was involved in church. We were told, “Just you wait, America, it’s coming to you too.” Now it appears to be here, or, at least, to be rapidly developing.
A poll by the Pew Research Center asked, “What is your religion?” Those answering “none” now constitute 29% of American adults. That’s up from 23% in 2016 and 19% in 2011 (see Wider World, page 35). Many of the “nones” call themselves spiritual but not religious, which suggests a disillusionment with religious institutions. Some of the blame must be assumed by the institutions themselves. What is the Christian church doing about this? What should we be doing?
Abner Schlabach, South Royalton, Vt.
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