1. Locate and read your church’s policy on child safety and protection.
2. Find a curriculum to teach the children in your church about safety. Talk with your director of children’s education about what you found.
3. Start a prayer journal for the children and families in your community.
4. Come up with a list of 10 creative ways to discipline a child. Discuss these with a friend.
5. Explore the Child Welfare Information Gateway website:
www.childwelfare.gov. Find information (definitions, statistics) specific to
your state.
6. Donate food, clothing, books or toys to an organization that serves families.
7. Find or make a poster that helps children identify and express their feelings. Give these posters to families in your church and neighborhood.
8. Call your local CPS office or police unit and invite someone to speak to your church or group about child abuse.
9. Meet or talk with a neighbor.
10. Call a community agency that works with children and families and ask for a list of their volunteer opportunities.
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