As a staff member at the Center on Conscience and War (formerly the National Service Board for Conscientious Objectors), I feel moved to correct what Bob Hartzler said in his June 15 letter in response to “Women Feel a Draft” (Editorial, June 1).
In addition to giving good advice for conscientious objectors facing draft registration, Hartzler wrote, “But it is not true that you are legally required to be registered in order to get a driver’s license. I checked with an attorney, and he confirmed this.” While it is not true for all states, it is true in more than 30 states that a young person who is required to be registered for the draft must either prove he is registered or consent to the Motor Vehicle Department sharing his information with Selective Service before he can receive a driver’s license or state identification. Please check our website to confirm the laws in your state at
Maria Santelli comment
Santelli is executive director of the Center on Conscience and War.
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