Ecumenical and healing

I just received the January issue and will be reading all of it. I commend the broad range of articles, painting with a wide brush; the letters to the editor, columns and Wider World; the coverage of Anabaptism as it relates to various denominations. I am a Goshen College alumnus, Menno-terian/Presby-nite and haven’t burned any bridges to my Mennonite beliefs and upbringing. Your publication is very helpful to my ecumenical orientation. I am saddened by the Mennonite splintering. Your publication is contributing to a healing that is much needed.

Paul F. Diller, Traverse City, Mich.   

Anabaptist World

Anabaptist World Inc. (AW) is an independent journalistic ministry serving the global Anabaptist movement. We seek to inform, inspire and Read More

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