Here are five things worth paying attention to this month. I recommend selecting one or two and jumping in over the next week.
1. Black lives still matter
As time moves on and we have distance from the killings of folks such as Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, the collective consciousness of “Black Lives Matter” can start to get away from us. It is our responsibility to remember the struggle of black and brown people every day, not just the days it’s in the national news. One way to show support is to give patronage to Black-owned businesses. Forbes created a list of Black-owned businesses to support, everything from cosmetics to hedge fund management.
2. Himpathy
“Himpathy” is a term coined by philosopher Kate Mann in her book Down Girl: The Logic of Mysoginy. It refers to the sympathy shown toward male perpetrators of sexual violence. With the recent discovery about the sexual violence of David Haas, the Catholic hymn composer, I thought it was a good time to bring this article back. What do we do about “good” scholarship (or art, or theology) when the scholar is so “bad?” And why are we so sympathetic toward male perpetrators?
3. “John Lewis: Good Trouble”
John Lewis was a leader in the Civil Rights movement and has been a representative for Georgia’s 5th congregessional district since 1987. In the documentary “John Lewis: Good Trouble” we trace Lewis’ path from growing up in rural Alabama to his involvement with Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Civil Rights movement to his work in Washington. Many career and freshman politicians weigh in on Lewis’ life and legacy. This is a must-watch film. It’s available for rent on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and Redbox.
4. Meadow Tea
I discovered this recipe at Goshen (Indiana) College. If you have a plethora of mint, some lemon and a good amount of sugar, you too can have the summer’s most refreshing drink. This is a recipe from Mary Hess, my friend Abby’s grandmother. Reminder that his makes a concentrate and will need to be diluted.
4 quarts water (16 cups, 1 gallon)
3 cups sugar (you can add more)
6 cups tea leaves
1 1/2 pack lemon Kool-Aid (or lemon concentrate)
Mix water and sugar and bring to a boil. Turn off heat and add tea leaves. Let this seep for 45 minutes. Remove leaves and pour through a sieve. Add lemon Kool-Aid. Cool. The amount of concentrate to water and ice could be 1 cup of tea to 3 cups of water. Adjust the concentrate/water ratio to your preference.
5. Peach bruschetta
It’s peach season. Last week someone posted this on social media and, ever since, I haven’t been able to stop making it as a snack. All you need is a baguette (or any form of bread you might use for bruschetta), goat cheese, basil leaves and a peach slice. Take the bread, put on some goat cheese and a basil leaf, and top with a peach slice. This could also work with nectarines. Make sure you have enough to share.
Joanne Gallardo is pastor of faith formation at Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship in Goshen, Indiana.
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