I am writing to express my gratitude for “Pandemic aid shows ‘radical love’ for Iranians” (Sept. 25). As an American who has lived in Iran for over 30 years, I can testify that the Mennonite expression of radical love is deeply appreciated here in Iran. During these strange times when we all feel especially separated by the measures being taken to prevent the spread of disease, expressions of solidarity like that of the “Who Is My Neighbor” fund help preserve the connections between our hearts. I have been involved in Mennonite-Shi’ite exchanges and witnessed friendships flourish. New understanding has been attained by Christians of Islam and Muslims and by Muslims of Christianity and Christians. Differences in histories and backgrounds are not obstacles to friendship but opportunities for discovery. Expressions of radical love like those Doug Hostetter helped to coordinate are witness to a divine glory that can overcome the hate inflamed by politicians.
Hajj Muhammad Legenhausen, Qom, Iran
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