I felt sadness when I read “Complementarian Comfort” (May). I am new to the Mennonite tradition and would not be sticking around if the congregation had a patriarchal mindset like the one described in this article. The pastor at Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship in Boise, Idaho, when I came in contact with the congregation was a gifted woman whose excellent preaching encouraged me to stick around. I am still there even though she has left. Patriarchy has no place in congregations claiming to follow Jesus.
Jim Grunow, Boise, Idaho
I am grateful that the author has found a spiritual home, but I wonder how many others would feel comfortable, safe and welcome in this setting. Many members of my congregation would not.
Chris Scott, Facebook comment
I find the ideas in this article incredibly violent, transphobic and heteronormative.
Jess Yoder, Facebook comment
It’s good to read an article that represents the large conservative side of Anabaptism that follows the headship symbols prescribed in 1 Corinthians 11. We are out of step with modern trends but in step with the early Anabaptists. Could we have more articles that hold a high view of scripture?
Nolan Martin, Facebook comment
TriCity Church sounds like a great congregation. Conservative evangelical Anabaptism is growing, while its progressive expression is dying. Mennonite Church USA is now smaller than the smallest of the two denominations that merged.
Ryan Harker, Facebook comment
I appreciated the discussion we had in our Sunday school class regarding this article. Thank you for the words on the cover of the May edition: “God of our mothers: Faith freed from patriarchy.”
Melissa Rorabaugh Heise,
Facebook comment
I’m grateful to the editors for including this article and others that show a broad range of patterns of faithful discipleship.
Eber Dean Rice-Smucker,
Facebook comment
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